For 50 years now, Lou-Rich has been making a wide variety of parts for a customer base just as varied as the components we build. The one constant in everything we do, is operating with the customers success in mind. Yes, we measure all kinds of things internally that can give insight into likely customer satisfaction like on time delivery, DPPM quality scores, equipment uptime, and so many more.
In 2022 we are adding one very important external metric; Actual Customer Satisfaction (ACS). Let’s face it, the ultimate result of a customer being satisfied with our performance is that they continue to do business with us. However, we are always looking for ways to improve, and good is not good enough. Our Vision Statement is “To be the best employee-owned contract manufacturing company in North America.” In support of that goal, and more importantly in support of our customers success, we are implementing a way to gain direct and specific feedback from our customers in the coming year.
To accomplish this goal, an independent third party will reach out each month to various Lou-Rich customers to ask them three questions, starting out with what is known as the Net Promoter Score. All answers will be held in confidence and will be kept anonymous.
- On a scale of 1-10 how likely would you be to recommend Lou-Rich to your business colleagues?
- Why did you rate Lou-Rich with that number, and what could they do to increase that score by 1 point?
- If given a 10 we will ask: Why did you rate Lou-Rich a 10, and what should they be sure to continue to do in the future?
- Is there anything else, positive or negative, you want Lou-Rich to know?
We want this to be very easy for our customers, and so the call will take no more than 10 minutes. From the answers received we will be able to calculate an Actual Customer Satisfaction number that can be monitored for trends, as well as used to collect feedback and ideas for potential business improvements.
If you are reading this, and are a current customer of Lou-Rich, it is likely that you, or certainly someone in your organization will be asked to take a short phone meeting to cover these questions. We plan to reach out to those in operations, quality, upper management, and engineering to get a well-rounded view of our current performance, and improvement ideas to consider. Thank you in advance for your positive participation with this effort.
Lee Gulbrandson
General Manager